DB BR 628 Introduction

Niddertalbahn Exordium Gaming

The DB BR 628 Wanderdüne is a two-car Train Sim World diesel railcar used by the Deutsche Bahn (DB) for local passenger rail services in Germany:

  • Composition – The DB BR 628 is made up of a motor car (628) and a control car (928). In some cases, it can be made up of two motor cars (class 629). 
  • Purpose – The DB BR 628 was used for food traffic on secondary and subordinate main lines, and is considered the successor to rail buses. 
  • Development – The DB BR 628 was developed in the early 1970s to replace the older Railbuses Class 795, 798, and 515. 
  • Versions – There are several versions of the DB BR 628, including the 628.0, 628.1, 628.2, 628.4, and 628.9/629.0. The 628.2 version was an extended version of the previous two versions. 
  • Features – The 628.2 version had a 1st class open compartment, better ventilation, a dividing wall between the driver’s cab and the passenger compartment, and a train destination display.

Manufacturer of DB BR 628


Waggon Union


Alstom Transport Deutschland


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