Boston Sprinter

Boston Sprinter Exordium Gaming

Boston Sprinter is an add-on route developed and maintained by Dovetail Games, for their TSW Console and PC platforms and was released on August 19, 2021 for the Train Sim World 2 video game. The Boston Sprinter is a TSW2 Rush Hour route that recreates the experience of traveling on the Boston and Providence Railroad during rush hour.

Route: The 49-mile route connects Boston, Massachusetts and Providence, Rhode Island. It’s part of the Northeast Corridor, which helped develop America’s commuter suburbs. 

Speed: The route has a top speed of 150 mph with Acela, and 125 mph with the ACS-64. 

Passengers: The game features a variety of passengers and higher passenger volumes during peak times. 

Trains: The route includes the MBTA F40PH-3C Diesel Locomotive, CTC-3 Push-pull Cab Car and Amtrak ACS-64 Electric Locomotive.

Operator of Boston Sprinter


Keolis North America

MBTA Commuter Rail

Boston Sprinter Multimedia

Map of Boston Sprinter

Scenarios of Boston Sprinter

Marching In
Cold as Ice
Long Way Round
Reverse Engineering

5 responses to “Boston Sprinter”

  1. […] Reverse Engineering is a TSW gameplay for Rush Hour: Boston Sprinter. […]

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